呢段嘢響移英谷見過幾次,搬嚟呢面討論下 #唔好嗌交plz

(以現時最低工資計算 一星期37.5小時工作, 年薪為£22308)

For anyone that doesn’t believe money is important let’s crunch some numbers…

This is the CHEAPEST 2 bed house on rightmove within 10 miles of Manchester.

So let’s do this for a new family:

  • Rent £750
  • Council tax £115
  • Gas/electric £200
  • Water £30
  • Food £500
  • Internet £20
  • Phone bills £30 (Airtime only, not including the phone itself)
  • Car £150
  • Car insurance £100 (for 2 drivers being extremely generous)
  • Car maintenance £50 (£600 per year)
  • Fuel £50 absolute minimum

Ok so just to survive in a house which isn’t great located in an area which also isn’t great costs £1,995 per month.


Now you have the cost of baby clothes, toilet roll, washing up liquid, shampoo, nappies, haircuts and all the other general stuff on top of that which I would also consider as survival items in a first world country.

Let’s say all of this if you’re lucky comes to £300.

Now you’re on £2,295 and you haven’t even done as much as treated yourself to a KFC.

In order to earn £2,295 per month you’re salary has to be 35-40k.

So you’re living a low quality of life, just getting by and earning 35-40k per year.

Now let’s add a holiday.

You want to go away for 1 week? Oh that’s at least £100 per month in savings.

Now let’s add unexpected expenses.

Your car gets broken into, that window is going to cost at least £200 to replace but you’re living pay cheque to pay cheque, where’s the money coming from?

Not insurance because you have to pay excess.

It’s coming from rainy day savings which should be at least £200 per month.

Now we’re up to £2,595.

But what’s that I hear, you want some new clothes for yourself, £50 per month extra.

Oh and ermm yeah I can’t go without my coffee, £2 per day, £60 per month.

Also I almost forgot to mention, I have these things called hobbies, I like to play video games, watch Netflix, go to the pub every now and then you know, just live a normal life.

Oh right so that’s another £200 per month then.

New total £2,910 for one holiday and a low quality lifestyle to feed 2 adults and a baby.

Now you’re earning around £45k per year and still don’t really have any savings other than rainy day savings which will be used as that’s just life, shit goes wrong.

But I forgot to mention the 2nd car or work commute expenses, we’ll say you take the bus at £100 per month.

Oh and the dog, well he needs feeding, another £50.

Ah but vet bills, lucky us we have rainy day savings.

The expenditure just keeps on rising.

So if you don’t think money is important then be my guest, start a family, watch what happens​:slightly_smiling_face:

Oh and by the way, once you hit a 50k salary you need to earn an extra 25k per year in order to get an extra 1k per month as Rishi needs some funds for Ukraine​:woozy_face:


主要原因都係因為有bb, 等到bb兩歲可以去childcare, 兩個人返工就會好好多。
(假設係本地人有childcare allowance)


睇Netflix 夾夾埋埋都一條數,可能幾個月出戲院睇仲平


同意, 無錢就要作取捨, 唔能夠得一想二. 不過又咁講, 即使努力工作但稅收咁重得個做字, 又真係好令人憤怒.

唔知本地人福利係點…個LIST 入面果D野, 真係咁不可或缺?

選舉近了, 又係尼D打手文, 2019年起香港人應該睇慣曬.


唔打仗佢地都係一樣咁生活架啦, 唔覺得有乜分別





‘‘’’即係minimum wage (1 income) 只係啱啱夠run the house, 其他basic household items 同basic needs 好似baby food, nappies, haircuts, clothes etc. 就唔駛唸。Holidays, xmas presents, birthday parties, netflix, hobbies, etc 更加唔駛唸。即係minimum wage 唔第於living wage.‘‘’’

living wage可以咁豐富仲邊個勤力做嘢

編文重點唔係打仗, 而係conservative用曬D錢. 所以話選舉近了, 打手出嚟做嘢





唉, 有幾多人會睇英國電視睇英國新聞, 又有幾多有登記做選民.

好多時D人淨係靠廣東話channel去睇返英國新聞, 嗰D channel本身又唔fact check純抽水, 都係俾D人圍爐用




‘’可惜做牛做馬都係賺唔夠normal living, 咁多樣野可能淨係可以做某一樣。之後仲要諗下小朋友以後讀大學要save up…‘

‘’’ 間唔中出去餐廳食野,飲咖啡,holidays (once a year), 興趣班呢D都係normal living. 如果連呢D都冇埋,真係人生只係生存。所以而家喺first world countries 生活,一定要最少揾到living wage."





我都見到FB 依個POST




香港人其實應該好識計數,四圍同人講min pay冇得養狗飲咖啡,攪笑咩