My child is in ESF year 4. She likes her school life very much and gets along well with peers.
The idea of changing school for her began in Feb when school was suspended. She had a one hour zoom lesson, and I got to see the lessons were conducted. It was… fair…
Lots of projects were expected, most of which, I think, is hard for a child to complete on her own.
Lots of raw materials are needed. The steps and ideas are 99% from websites.
I think the projects would be ok to be carried out in school, but not during suspension. The expectations of duties from the school have shifted to the parents’s shoulders.
It was very exhausting for me to accomplish the tasks with my child, not to mention l m a work from home mom who can still squeeze time to finish the task. Tbh I Can’t imagine how others kids can finish the tasks with only a helper a home (or my child is too dependent. Could be)
The whole process, i got an impression that support offered is just — ok. I expect better.
My dissatisfaction arises from my own experience as a teacher. I conduct lots of zoom lessons, shoots lots of videos, keep collecting online assignments and I mark a lot of compositions and return to them via various platforms. Compared with my child,
My serving school, a govt- subsidies school, offers much better support to ESF.
ESF wrote an email in early March, saying Easter and summer break will continue as scheduled.
I feel— the sch fee I paid is not worth the money.
My thoughts :
- apply another IS. My target is ICS, SIS
- put her to local school. Her English and maths are very good( I give her lots of tutoring and she came quite top in PISA ), but her Chinese is only k3 level.
If you want her to go local school, she may suffer from Chinese lessons. For your case it will take years for her to catch up from K3 level to primary level, especially it involves works like memorizing Chinese words.
Honestly, how’s your daughter feeling?
I haven’t asked. It’s a initial plan in my mind only.
I guess she likes her peers. But the fact is, most of her friends are leaving for Canada and Australia in 1-2 years
For me, I prefer and respect my children choice.
Thanks I will consider it with prudence
我兩個小朋友一個高小讀國際( 唔係行IB),另一個本地私小。停課期間,IS 嗰個每日有幾堂zoom,另上老師自拍video 教學 , 課程如期上,功課每日都唔少。Project 有足夠resources 教佢哋做,Power point 要做埋配音presentation. 另外亦有要拍片。不過,老師有教佢哋點做,我無得work from home, 所以只有靠佢自己完成。So far , 佢又做得到,未係好靚但完成晒。
過去幾年,我完全無理過佢學過乜,反而係而家停課,學校share 左佢功課page 比我,我先知原來課程都幾緊湊。
另一個傳統私小,可能因為低年級,基本上每星期得幾個power point 同幾張worksheet 之外,乜都無。
如果你打算轉校,中文基本上好難追得返,我細嗰個中文幼稚園無補習,小一都追到氣咳,何況已經year 4, 本地下年入四年級,一年時間追,由簡體轉繁體字。五年級要呈分,得好少時間追。
ESF 係好學校,老師教得幾長時間,同教得幾係深無意思,最重要係小朋友吸收到又謮得開心。
Thanks for your very detailed sharing! similar to your case, my child has 1 lesson every day. A ppt and some links where she can watch some videos about how to do the experiments and projects.
I know the PYP curriculum has a lot of flexibility, and it depends on the way teachers prepared materials.
so far my girl had a good time in year 1,2,3, but this year is her worst year. I’m also not very happy with the class teacher.
It’s a big decision to my child, as she needs to face a whole new environment. I target ics. I will think over it. Thanks.
What sort of LS?A govt aided one/ private /DSS one? How’s the Chinese curriculum? Thx
ICS 課程比PYP 有structure 可能比較合適你需要。
咁都算早轉。讀完本地k3都唔係識寫好多字(除非chur校), 都主要係認到字。一定追得番!
自然要小朋友做好多project,proposal 呢d 野。。而唔係抄寫讀既功課。
傳統學校每星期各一次既中文英文默書,大量背書寫字,一年內2tests 2exams…放假要停晒有野去溫書嗎。。。 到時候,你花既心血。。。大概會比現在多好多
Your daughter has been in ESF for a few years. She should know how to complete the tasks given by the teachers. Don’t use our standard to judge the work she does. Ask the teachers to give her feedback instead. This is a good time to train her independence. 最重要: 勿忘初心。Always ask yourself why you send her to ESF instead of local school.
IB 好flexible 好有空間,但有時太虛無。我覺得佢target ICS, 行美制課程,選擇好適合佢, 課程structure實在啲 。
國際學校都有好多唔同課程,咸魚青菜各有所好。 因為我都係有心選非IB 課程IS.
「Her English and maths are very good( I give her lots of tutoring and she came quite top in PISA )」